Day 28 – April Poem A Day Challenge 2022

Write a sight poem and with that we’ve poemed about all the senses this month.

Lazy Sunday
Somewhere between
August afternoons
And a hint of
Autumn on the breeze
Cicadas call their
Song of summer
The four of them sit
Baby on Granddad’s lap
Heads tilted
Low murmur of chatter

When one of them
Music trailing in the late
Afternoon light
Turns up
That Spice Girls song
They made dances to
And I’m back in the 90’s
And those days when I
Wondered who they would be
Trying to imagine us
Here in our future
And I just want
To imprint this moment
Forever in my mind

2 thoughts on “Day 28 – April Poem A Day Challenge 2022

  1. If only we could imprint moments in our mind! That’s how I felt yesterday at a big family get-together after not seeing some of them for quite a while due to covid restrictions. Trish, another stunner! I admire your writing gift so much.

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