Day 24 April Poem A Day 2022

Today’s Challenge: Write a superhero or supervillain poem

She’s there on a school day
Kneading flour water
Thumbprint dent 
In dough
Rolled beneath deft fingers
Followed by another
Like this she says

What is it about mothers and
Their mothers
A call and they come
Worry tucked behind eyes
Beneath their ribs
Born to be invisible

This worry
This strength
A billfold slipped
Into a hand
So the babies didn’t
Go without
When the bottom of a
Man’s mean bottle
Took the grocery money
Along with the light from
Her daughter’s eyes

This worry
This strength
Beneath a light touch
To foreheads
On bent shoulders
She learned to carry

She rolls
Shapes worry
Into hollowed shells
In a steady
Rhythm she’ll
Pass on in a
Lesson called love

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